Acute Medicine Center, Kladno
The project is based on the idea of centralizing key therapeutic and diagnostic departments into a single, modern, and efficient core for an acute-care hospital.

The original plan proposed placing the Acute Medicine Center (CAM) within the hospital's central park behind the monoblock building. However, we suggested relocating it forward, which created clearer traffic connections and made the new facility a landmark of the city.
The design fully integrates the new acute medicine block with the existing hospital structure, originally designed by the renowned architect Adámek. The hospital’s modernization required not only building adaptation but also a significant improvement in road access and the separation of emergency and non-emergency patient flows.
Following the construction of CAM, the hospital underwent a phased reconstruction of the original Adámek monoblock, although some sections remain unrenovated.
The redesign of the hospital entrance—originally located on a narrow residential street—marked a radical transformation in hospital logistics. This change was essential for optimizing future operations but required overcoming long-established habits among both staff and patients. This structural intervention was critical for ensuring the hospital's long-term efficiency and functionality.

Official Name: Oblastní nemocnice Kladno – rekonstrukce a dostavba areálu
Location (Country, City): Czech Republic, Kladno
Award: Inclusion in the worldwide selection of hospital buildings in the publication Hospital Architecture, compiled by the renowned Swiss architects Nickel for Braun Publishing.
Ing. arch. Michal Juha
Ing. arch. Jan Topinka
Architectural Team:
Ing. arch. František Huber
Ing. arch. Silvie Juríková
Ing. arch. Jan Trávníček
Ing. arch. Martin Postupa
Ing. arch. Sanja Keser
Project Manager:
Ing. Danica Havlíková
Lead Project Designers:
Ing. Blanka Handrychová, Ing. Roman Repa
Construction: 2012