Cardiology Center of Masaryk Hospital, Ústí nad Labem
The design of the new building was based on the growing demand for intensive care beds and an increase in surgical procedures. The new facilities enabled the centralization of intensive care units and addressed the shortage of capacity for new surgical fields, such as cardiac surgery and plastic surgery. This expansion has improved the availability and quality of patient care. The project evolved over time, with the investor adjusting the scope and increasing the scale of the development multiple times.

The proposed building is a modern architectural work that respects historical context while simultaneously creating a distinctive contemporary appearance. The overall concept consists of three sections of varying heights, with one part standing out as a visual landmark. Its rounded upper portion softens the otherwise clean geometric lines. This volumetric concept not only respects the existing buildings but also enhances functional integration with them and expands their capacities.
The design ensures optimal use of space while supporting specialized medical fields such as cardiology, cardiac surgery, and operating theaters. The site selection allows for the future expansion of the hospital as needed.

Official Name: Nový pavilon s operačními sály, odděleními JIP a standardními lůžkovými odděleními v Krajské zdravotní, a.s.-Masarykova nemocnice v Ústí nad Labem, o.z.
Location (Country, City): Czech Republic, Ústí nad Labem
Ing. arch. Michal Juha
Ing. arch. Jan Topinka
Architectural Team:
Ing. arch. Martina Zábojová
Bc. Martin Jirásko
Alevtina Gorskaya
Bc. Jakub Bednár
Lead Project Designer:
Ing. Blanka Handrychová
Lead Technical Designer:
Ing. Roman Jarosil
Concept Design: 2016
Project: 2020-2021
Construction: 2023-2024