Emergency Medicine Pavilion, Rychnov nad Kněžnou
The project includes the construction of a new emergency department pavilion and related modifications to the existing spaces of the Regional Hospital in Rychnov nad Kněžnou. The new building will provide modern facilities for emergency care, intensive care units (ICU and ARO), operating rooms, and inpatient departments for surgery and orthopedics.

The new emergency department pavilion will connect to the southern side of the existing hospital building, consisting of four above-ground floors and one underground floor. It will include a reception area, triage examination room, outpatient clinics (including an out-of-hours medical service), observation rooms, specialized examination rooms, and procedure rooms. The facility will also house intensive care and resuscitation units, central operating rooms with full amenities, including dressing rooms, material storage, and patient recovery areas. Additionally, the building will accommodate two inpatient departments for surgery and orthopedics.
The project also involves modifications to the entrance area of the existing building, where a new lobby, pharmacy, café, and reception with support facilities will be created. As part of the modernization, the elevators will be replaced with evacuation lifts, and the technical rooms and infrastructure will be upgraded. The construction will ensure greater comfort for both patients and staff while meeting modern operational standards.

Official Name: Nemocnice Rychnov nad Kněžnou – rozšíření průmyslové zóny Solnice – Kvasiny – zpracování projektové dokumentace a zajištění výkonu autorského dozoru v rámci projektu „Rozšíření strategické průmyslové zóny Solnice – Kvasiny a zlepšení veřejné infrastruktury v Královéhradeckém regionu“
Location (Country, City): Czech Republic, Rychnov nad Kněžnou
Ing. arch. Michal Juha
Ing. arch. Jan Topinka
Architectural team:
Ing. arch. Martina Zábojová
Ing. arch. Jakub Skočdopole
Design team:
Ing. Blanka Handrychová
Bc. Jakub Bednár
Ing. Roman Jarosil
Concept Design: 2016
Project: 2020-2021
Construction: 2023-2025