KNTB - GPK, Zlín
Our aim was to design a gynecology and obstetrics complex that complements the existing Zlín hospital structure, allows for future expansion, and provides a comfortable, dignified, and residential-like environment for both patients and medical personnel.

The project meets modern standards in obstetrics and neonatology, reflecting contemporary trends in one-day medicine and personalized care. It offers optimized spaces for the latest medical technologies and aligns with the planned development of the hospital campus. Its architectural form respects Zlín’s traditional urban fabric.

Official Name: Krajská nemocnice T. Bati, a.s. „Nový objekt gynekologicko-porodnického komplexu“
Location (Country, City): Czech Republic, Zlín
Ing. arch. Jan Topinka
Ing. arch. Michal Juha
Architectural team:
Ing. arch Nikola Koleňáková
Ing. arch. Anna Wanda Molnárová
Ing. arch. Jozef Roderik Priester
Ing. arch. Daniela Čečková
Ing. arch. Eliška Poulová
Concept Design: 2023
JIKA-CZ s.r.o.