
KNTB - Master Plan, Zlín

The master plan for Tomáš Baťa Regional Hospital ensures the modernization and efficient development of the campus while maintaining uninterrupted medical operations during construction. It builds upon the concept of the Central Pavilion for Emergency Medicine, introducing a clear segregation of logistics and patient movement.

The plan extends the original urban structure by F. L. Gahura, introducing new traffic routes, expanded parking capacity, and improved campus navigation. A central axis connects both new and existing pavilions, ensuring seamless integration within the hospital. The phased construction approach allows continuous operation of healthcare services.

The design incorporates green spaces and landscaped areas, reinforcing the “hospital in greenery” concept. The project merges functionality with Zlín’s architectural tradition, creating a modern, patient-centered medical environment.

Official Name: Plán investičního rozvoje (generel) Krajské nemocnice T. Bati, a.s. – 2023

Location (Country, City): Czech Republic, Zlín

Ing. arch. Jan Topinka
Ing. arch. Michal Juha

Architectural team:
Ing. arch. Jozef Roderik Priester
Ing. arch. Anna Wanda Molnárová
Ing. arch. Daniela Čečková
Bc. Andrej Corbin Londák
Ing. arch. Nikola Koleňáková

Concept Design: 2023

JIKA-CZ s.r.o.
SIAL architekti a inženýři spol. s r.o. - doc. Ing. arch. Jiří Buček, Ing. arch. Helena Hlávková, Lenka Hamerlová
L&SCAPE s.r.o. - Ing. Štěpánka Endrle, Ing. Magdalena Svobodová, Ing. Denisa Nadrchalová