Radiation Therapy Pavilion, ÚVN, Prague
The CH1 pavilion extension meets the spatial and functional requirements of the project and provides optimal connectivity with existing inpatient departments. The compact and logically structured building adheres to high urban, architectural, and technical standards, harmonizing with the existing hospital complex.

The Radiation Therapy Pavilion was built on vacant land near Pavilion CH1 and the energy center. The design respects the original architectural concept of the inpatient buildings, creating a visually unified complex. Since the pavilion primarily serves outpatients, a direct entrance on the western side was designed for easier access and increased patient comfort.
The building is a clearly defined extension, featuring modern materials and structural solutions. The facade of the first underground level combines clear and matte yellow glass, adding visual dynamism and brightness to the interior spaces. The second underground level houses radiation therapy chambers, which are functionally essential but less exposed to public view.
The interior is bright, spacious, and open, creating a calm and welcoming environment for both patients and staff. A significant technical feature is the two radiation chambers, with walls made of specialized concrete blocks one meter thick, meeting strict safety and technological standards.
The Radiation Therapy Pavilion integrates cutting-edge medical technology, aesthetic design, and functionality, aligning with the highest standards of modern medicine.

Official Name: ÚVN – VoFN Praha – přístavba pavilonu CH1
Location (Country, City): Czech Republic, Praha
Ing. arch. Jan Topinka
Ing. arch. Michal Juha
Design Team:
Ing. Lukáš Haller
Ing. Roman Jarosil
Design Concept: 2018
Construction: 2021